- Сообщения
- 8,063
- Решения
- 15
- Реакции
- 6,836
Windows XP
-536215549|0xE00A0003|Return without GoSub
-536215547|0xE00A0005|Invalid procedure call or argument
-536215545|0xE00A0007|Out of memory
-536215543|0xE00A0009|Subscript out of range
-536215542|0xE00A000A|This array is fixed or temporarily locked
-536215541|0xE00A000B|Division by zero
-536215539|0xE00A000D|Type mismatch
-536215538|0xE00A000E|Out of string space
-536215536|0xE00A0010|Expression too complex
-536215535|0xE00A0011|Can't perform requested operation
-536215534|0xE00A0012|User interrupt occurred
-536215532|0xE00A0014|Resume without error
-536215524|0xE00A001C|Out of stack space
-536215517|0xE00A0023|Sub or Function not defined
-536215505|0xE00A002F|Too many DLL application clients
-536215504|0xE00A0030|Error in loading DLL
-536215503|0xE00A0031|Bad DLL calling convention
-536215501|0xE00A0033|Internal error
-536215500|0xE00A0034|Bad file name or number
-536215499|0xE00A0035|File not found
-536215498|0xE00A0036|Bad file mode
-536215497|0xE00A0037|File already open
-536215495|0xE00A0039|Device I/O error
-536215494|0xE00A003A|File already exists
-536215493|0xE00A003B|Bad record length
-536215491|0xE00A003D|Disk full
-536215490|0xE00A003E|Input past end of file
-536215489|0xE00A003F|Bad record number
-536215485|0xE00A0043|Too many files
-536215484|0xE00A0044|Device unavailable
-536215482|0xE00A0046|Permission denied
-536215481|0xE00A0047|Disk not ready
-536215478|0xE00A004A|Can't rename with different drive
-536215477|0xE00A004B|Path/File access error
-536215476|0xE00A004C|Path not found
-536215461|0xE00A005B|Object variable or With block variable not set
-536215460|0xE00A005C|For loop not initialized
-536215459|0xE00A005D|Invalid pattern string
-536215458|0xE00A005E|Invalid use of Null
-536215456|0xE00A0060|Unable to sink events of object because the object is already firing events to the maximum number of event receivers that it supports
-536215455|0xE00A0061|Can not call friend function on object which is not an instance of defining class
-536215454|0xE00A0062|A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as an argument or as a return value
-536215231|0xE00A0141|Invalid file format
-536215230|0xE00A0142|Can't create necessary temporary file
-536215227|0xE00A0145|Invalid format in resource file
-536215172|0xE00A017C|Invalid property value
-536215171|0xE00A017D|Invalid property array index
-536215170|0xE00A017E|Set not supported at runtime
-536215169|0xE00A017F|Set not supported (read-only property)
-536215167|0xE00A0181|Need property array index
-536215165|0xE00A0183|Set not permitted
-536215159|0xE00A0189|Get not supported at runtime
-536215158|0xE00A018A|Get not supported (write-only property)
-536215130|0xE00A01A6|Property not found
-536215129|0xE00A01A7|Property or method not found
-536215128|0xE00A01A8|Object required
-536215123|0xE00A01AD|ActiveX component can't create object
-536215122|0xE00A01AE|Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface
-536215120|0xE00A01B0|File name or class name not found during Automation operation
-536215114|0xE00A01B6|Object doesn't support this property or method
-536215110|0xE00A01BA|Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost. Press OK for dialog to remove reference.
-536215109|0xE00A01BB|Automation object does not have a default value
-536215107|0xE00A01BD|Object doesn't support this action
-536215106|0xE00A01BE|Object doesn't support named arguments
-536215105|0xE00A01BF|Object doesn't support current locale setting
-536215104|0xE00A01C0|Named argument not found
-536215103|0xE00A01C1|Argument not optional
-536215102|0xE00A01C2|Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
-536215101|0xE00A01C3|Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object
-536215100|0xE00A01C4|Invalid ordinal
-536215099|0xE00A01C5|Specified DLL function not found
-536215098|0xE00A01C6|Code resource not found
-536215097|0xE00A01C7|Code resource lock error
-536215095|0xE00A01C9|This key is already associated with an element of this collection
-536215094|0xE00A01CA|Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
-536215093|0xE00A01CB|Object or class does not support the set of events
-536215092|0xE00A01CC|Invalid clipboard format
-536215091|0xE00A01CD|Method or data member not found
-536215090|0xE00A01CE|The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
-536215089|0xE00A01CF|Class not registered on local machine
-536215071|0xE00A01E1|Invalid picture
-536215070|0xE00A01E2|Printer error
-536214817|0xE00A02DF|Can't save file to TEMP
-536214808|0xE00A02E8|Search text not found
-536214806|0xE00A02EA|Replacements too long
-1073086461|0xC00A0003|Return without GoSub
-1073086459|0xC00A0005|Invalid procedure call or argument
-1073086457|0xC00A0007|Out of memory
-1073086455|0xC00A0009|Subscript out of range
-1073086454|0xC00A000A|This array is fixed or temporarily locked
-1073086453|0xC00A000B|Division by zero
-1073086451|0xC00A000D|Type mismatch
-1073086450|0xC00A000E|Out of string space
-1073086448|0xC00A0010|Expression too complex
-1073086447|0xC00A0011|Can't perform requested operation
-1073086446|0xC00A0012|User interrupt occurred
-1073086444|0xC00A0014|Resume without error
-1073086436|0xC00A001C|Out of stack space
-1073086429|0xC00A0023|Sub or Function not defined
-1073086417|0xC00A002F|Too many DLL application clients
-1073086416|0xC00A0030|Error in loading DLL
-1073086415|0xC00A0031|Bad DLL calling convention
-1073086413|0xC00A0033|Internal error
-1073086412|0xC00A0034|Bad file name or number
-1073086411|0xC00A0035|File not found
-1073086410|0xC00A0036|Bad file mode
-1073086409|0xC00A0037|File already open
-1073086407|0xC00A0039|Device I/O error
-1073086406|0xC00A003A|File already exists
-1073086405|0xC00A003B|Bad record length
-1073086403|0xC00A003D|Disk full
-1073086402|0xC00A003E|Input past end of file
-1073086401|0xC00A003F|Bad record number
-1073086397|0xC00A0043|Too many files
-1073086396|0xC00A0044|Device unavailable
-1073086394|0xC00A0046|Permission denied
-1073086393|0xC00A0047|Disk not ready
-1073086390|0xC00A004A|Can't rename with different drive
-1073086389|0xC00A004B|Path/File access error
-1073086388|0xC00A004C|Path not found
-1073086373|0xC00A005B|Object variable or With block variable not set
-1073086372|0xC00A005C|For loop not initialized
-1073086371|0xC00A005D|Invalid pattern string
-1073086370|0xC00A005E|Invalid use of Null
-1073086368|0xC00A0060|Unable to sink events of object because the object is already firing events to the maximum number of event receivers that it supports
-1073086367|0xC00A0061|Can not call friend function on object which is not an instance of defining class
-1073086366|0xC00A0062|A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as an argument or as a return value
-1073086143|0xC00A0141|Invalid file format
-1073086142|0xC00A0142|Can't create necessary temporary file
-1073086139|0xC00A0145|Invalid format in resource file
-1073086084|0xC00A017C|Invalid property value
-1073086083|0xC00A017D|Invalid property array index
-1073086082|0xC00A017E|Set not supported at runtime
-1073086081|0xC00A017F|Set not supported (read-only property)
-1073086079|0xC00A0181|Need property array index
-1073086077|0xC00A0183|Set not permitted
-1073086071|0xC00A0189|Get not supported at runtime
-1073086070|0xC00A018A|Get not supported (write-only property)
-1073086042|0xC00A01A6|Property not found
-1073086041|0xC00A01A7|Property or method not found
-1073086040|0xC00A01A8|Object required
-1073086035|0xC00A01AD|ActiveX component can't create object
-1073086034|0xC00A01AE|Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface
-1073086032|0xC00A01B0|File name or class name not found during Automation operation
-1073086026|0xC00A01B6|Object doesn't support this property or method
-1073086022|0xC00A01BA|Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost. Press OK for dialog to remove reference.
-1073086021|0xC00A01BB|Automation object does not have a default value
-1073086019|0xC00A01BD|Object doesn't support this action
-1073086018|0xC00A01BE|Object doesn't support named arguments
-1073086017|0xC00A01BF|Object doesn't support current locale setting
-1073086016|0xC00A01C0|Named argument not found
-1073086015|0xC00A01C1|Argument not optional
-1073086014|0xC00A01C2|Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
-1073086013|0xC00A01C3|Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object
-1073086012|0xC00A01C4|Invalid ordinal
-1073086011|0xC00A01C5|Specified DLL function not found
-1073086010|0xC00A01C6|Code resource not found
-1073086009|0xC00A01C7|Code resource lock error
-1073086007|0xC00A01C9|This key is already associated with an element of this collection
-1073086006|0xC00A01CA|Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
-1073086005|0xC00A01CB|Object or class does not support the set of events
-1073086004|0xC00A01CC|Invalid clipboard format
-1073086003|0xC00A01CD|Method or data member not found
-1073086002|0xC00A01CE|The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
-1073086001|0xC00A01CF|Class not registered on local machine
-1073085983|0xC00A01E1|Invalid picture
-1073085982|0xC00A01E2|Printer error
-1073085729|0xC00A02DF|Can't save file to TEMP
-1073085720|0xC00A02E8|Search text not found
-1073085718|0xC00A02EA|Replacements too long
-1609957373|0xA00A0003|Return without GoSub
-1609957371|0xA00A0005|Invalid procedure call or argument
-1609957369|0xA00A0007|Out of memory
-1609957367|0xA00A0009|Subscript out of range
-1609957366|0xA00A000A|This array is fixed or temporarily locked
-1609957365|0xA00A000B|Division by zero
-1609957363|0xA00A000D|Type mismatch
-1609957362|0xA00A000E|Out of string space
-1609957360|0xA00A0010|Expression too complex
-1609957359|0xA00A0011|Can't perform requested operation
-1609957358|0xA00A0012|User interrupt occurred
-1609957356|0xA00A0014|Resume without error
-1609957348|0xA00A001C|Out of stack space
-1609957341|0xA00A0023|Sub or Function not defined
-1609957329|0xA00A002F|Too many DLL application clients
-1609957328|0xA00A0030|Error in loading DLL
-1609957327|0xA00A0031|Bad DLL calling convention
-1609957325|0xA00A0033|Internal error
-1609957324|0xA00A0034|Bad file name or number
-1609957323|0xA00A0035|File not found
-1609957322|0xA00A0036|Bad file mode
-1609957321|0xA00A0037|File already open
-1609957319|0xA00A0039|Device I/O error
-1609957318|0xA00A003A|File already exists
-1609957317|0xA00A003B|Bad record length
-1609957315|0xA00A003D|Disk full
-1609957314|0xA00A003E|Input past end of file
-1609957313|0xA00A003F|Bad record number
-1609957309|0xA00A0043|Too many files
-1609957308|0xA00A0044|Device unavailable
-1609957306|0xA00A0046|Permission denied
-1609957305|0xA00A0047|Disk not ready
-1609957302|0xA00A004A|Can't rename with different drive
-1609957301|0xA00A004B|Path/File access error
-1609957300|0xA00A004C|Path not found
-1609957285|0xA00A005B|Object variable or With block variable not set
-1609957284|0xA00A005C|For loop not initialized
-1609957283|0xA00A005D|Invalid pattern string
-1609957282|0xA00A005E|Invalid use of Null
-1609957280|0xA00A0060|Unable to sink events of object because the object is already firing events to the maximum number of event receivers that it supports
-1609957279|0xA00A0061|Can not call friend function on object which is not an instance of defining class
-1609957278|0xA00A0062|A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as an argument or as a return value
-1609957055|0xA00A0141|Invalid file format
-1609957054|0xA00A0142|Can't create necessary temporary file
-1609957051|0xA00A0145|Invalid format in resource file
-1609956996|0xA00A017C|Invalid property value
-1609956995|0xA00A017D|Invalid property array index
-1609956994|0xA00A017E|Set not supported at runtime
-1609956993|0xA00A017F|Set not supported (read-only property)
-1609956991|0xA00A0181|Need property array index
-1609956989|0xA00A0183|Set not permitted
-1609956983|0xA00A0189|Get not supported at runtime
-1609956982|0xA00A018A|Get not supported (write-only property)
-1609956954|0xA00A01A6|Property not found
-1609956953|0xA00A01A7|Property or method not found
-1609956952|0xA00A01A8|Object required
-1609956947|0xA00A01AD|ActiveX component can't create object
-1609956946|0xA00A01AE|Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface
-1609956944|0xA00A01B0|File name or class name not found during Automation operation
-1609956938|0xA00A01B6|Object doesn't support this property or method
-1609956934|0xA00A01BA|Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost. Press OK for dialog to remove reference.
-1609956933|0xA00A01BB|Automation object does not have a default value
-1609956931|0xA00A01BD|Object doesn't support this action
-1609956930|0xA00A01BE|Object doesn't support named arguments
-1609956929|0xA00A01BF|Object doesn't support current locale setting
-1609956928|0xA00A01C0|Named argument not found
-1609956927|0xA00A01C1|Argument not optional
-1609956926|0xA00A01C2|Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
-1609956925|0xA00A01C3|Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object
-1609956924|0xA00A01C4|Invalid ordinal
-1609956923|0xA00A01C5|Specified DLL function not found
-1609956922|0xA00A01C6|Code resource not found
-1609956921|0xA00A01C7|Code resource lock error
-1609956919|0xA00A01C9|This key is already associated with an element of this collection
-1609956918|0xA00A01CA|Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
-1609956917|0xA00A01CB|Object or class does not support the set of events
-1609956916|0xA00A01CC|Invalid clipboard format
-1609956915|0xA00A01CD|Method or data member not found
-1609956914|0xA00A01CE|The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
-1609956913|0xA00A01CF|Class not registered on local machine
-1609956895|0xA00A01E1|Invalid picture
-1609956894|0xA00A01E2|Printer error
-1609956641|0xA00A02DF|Can't save file to TEMP
-1609956632|0xA00A02E8|Search text not found
-1609956630|0xA00A02EA|Replacements too long
-2147467263|0x80004001|Object doesn't support this action
-2147467262|0x80004002|Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface
-2147352575|0x80020001|Object doesn't support this property or method
-2147352573|0x80020003|Object doesn't support this property or method
-2147352572|0x80020004|Named argument not found
-2147352571|0x80020005|Type mismatch
-2147352570|0x80020006|Object doesn't support this property or method
-2147352569|0x80020007|Object doesn't support named arguments
-2147352568|0x80020008|Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
-2147352565|0x8002000B|Subscript out of range
-2147352564|0x8002000C|Object doesn't support current locale setting
-2147352563|0x8002000D|This array is fixed or temporarily locked
-2147352562|0x8002000E|Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
-2147352561|0x8002000F|Argument not optional
-2147352559|0x80020011|Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object
-2147352558|0x80020012|Division by zero
-2147319785|0x80028017|Method or data member not found
-2147319761|0x8002802F|Specified DLL function not found
-2147316576|0x80028CA0|Type mismatch
-2147316575|0x80028CA1|Subscript out of range
-2147316574|0x80028CA2|Device I/O error
-2147316573|0x80028CA3|Can't create necessary temporary file
-2147312566|0x80029C4A|Error in loading DLL
-2147287038|0x80030002|File name or class name not found during Automation operation
-2147287037|0x80030003|Path not found
-2147287036|0x80030004|Too many files
-2147287035|0x80030005|Permission denied
-2147287032|0x80030008|Out of memory
-2147287022|0x80030012|Too many files
-2147287021|0x80030013|Permission denied
-2147287008|0x80030020|Path/File access error
-2147287007|0x80030021|Permission denied
-2147286960|0x80030050|File already exists
-2147286928|0x80030070|Disk full
-2147286788|0x800300FC|File not found
-2147286784|0x80030100|Permission denied
-2147286783|0x80030101|Permission denied
-2147286781|0x80030103|Device I/O error
-2147221230|0x80040112|ActiveX component can't create object
-2147221164|0x80040154|ActiveX component can't create object
-2147221021|0x800401E3|ActiveX component can't create object
-2147221018|0x800401E6|File name or class name not found during Automation operation
-2147221014|0x800401EA|File name or class name not found during Automation operation
-2147221005|0x800401F3|ActiveX component can't create object
-2147221003|0x800401F5|ActiveX component can't create object
-2147220994|0x800401FE|ActiveX component can't create object
-2147024891|0x80070005|Permission denied
-2147024882|0x8007000E|Out of memory
-2147024809|0x80070057|Invalid procedure call or argument
-2147023174|0x800706BA|The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
-2146959355|0x80080005|ActiveX component can't create object
-2146828285|0x800A0003|Return without GoSub
-2146828283|0x800A0005|Invalid procedure call or argument
-2146828281|0x800A0007|Out of memory
-2146828279|0x800A0009|Subscript out of range
-2146828278|0x800A000A|This array is fixed or temporarily locked
-2146828277|0x800A000B|Division by zero
-2146828275|0x800A000D|Type mismatch
-2146828274|0x800A000E|Out of string space
-2146828272|0x800A0010|Expression too complex
-2146828271|0x800A0011|Can't perform requested operation
-2146828270|0x800A0012|User interrupt occurred
-2146828268|0x800A0014|Resume without error
-2146828260|0x800A001C|Out of stack space
-2146828253|0x800A0023|Sub or Function not defined
-2146828241|0x800A002F|Too many DLL application clients
-2146828240|0x800A0030|Error in loading DLL
-2146828239|0x800A0031|Bad DLL calling convention
-2146828237|0x800A0033|Internal error
-2146828236|0x800A0034|Bad file name or number
-2146828235|0x800A0035|File not found
-2146828234|0x800A0036|Bad file mode
-2146828233|0x800A0037|File already open
-2146828231|0x800A0039|Device I/O error
-2146828230|0x800A003A|File already exists
-2146828229|0x800A003B|Bad record length
-2146828227|0x800A003D|Disk full
-2146828226|0x800A003E|Input past end of file
-2146828225|0x800A003F|Bad record number
-2146828221|0x800A0043|Too many files
-2146828220|0x800A0044|Device unavailable
-2146828218|0x800A0046|Permission denied
-2146828217|0x800A0047|Disk not ready
-2146828214|0x800A004A|Can't rename with different drive
-2146828213|0x800A004B|Path/File access error
-2146828212|0x800A004C|Path not found
-2146828197|0x800A005B|Object variable or With block variable not set
-2146828196|0x800A005C|For loop not initialized
-2146828195|0x800A005D|Invalid pattern string
-2146828194|0x800A005E|Invalid use of Null
-2146828192|0x800A0060|Unable to sink events of object because the object is already firing events to the maximum number of event receivers that it supports
-2146828191|0x800A0061|Can not call friend function on object which is not an instance of defining class
-2146828190|0x800A0062|A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as an argument or as a return value
-2146827967|0x800A0141|Invalid file format
-2146827966|0x800A0142|Can't create necessary temporary file
-2146827963|0x800A0145|Invalid format in resource file
-2146827908|0x800A017C|Invalid property value
-2146827907|0x800A017D|Invalid property array index
-2146827906|0x800A017E|Set not supported at runtime
-2146827905|0x800A017F|Set not supported (read-only property)
-2146827903|0x800A0181|Need property array index
-2146827901|0x800A0183|Set not permitted
-2146827895|0x800A0189|Get not supported at runtime
-2146827894|0x800A018A|Get not supported (write-only property)
-2146827866|0x800A01A6|Property not found
-2146827865|0x800A01A7|Property or method not found
-2146827864|0x800A01A8|Object required
-2146827859|0x800A01AD|ActiveX component can't create object
-2146827858|0x800A01AE|Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface
-2146827856|0x800A01B0|File name or class name not found during Automation operation
-2146827850|0x800A01B6|Object doesn't support this property or method
-2146827846|0x800A01BA|Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost. Press OK for dialog to remove reference.
-2146827845|0x800A01BB|Automation object does not have a default value
-2146827843|0x800A01BD|Object doesn't support this action
-2146827842|0x800A01BE|Object doesn't support named arguments
-2146827841|0x800A01BF|Object doesn't support current locale setting
-2146827840|0x800A01C0|Named argument not found
-2146827839|0x800A01C1|Argument not optional
-2146827838|0x800A01C2|Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
-2146827837|0x800A01C3|Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object
-2146827836|0x800A01C4|Invalid ordinal
-2146827835|0x800A01C5|Specified DLL function not found
-2146827834|0x800A01C6|Code resource not found
-2146827833|0x800A01C7|Code resource lock error
-2146827831|0x800A01C9|This key is already associated with an element of this collection
-2146827830|0x800A01CA|Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
-2146827829|0x800A01CB|Object or class does not support the set of events
-2146827828|0x800A01CC|Invalid clipboard format
-2146827827|0x800A01CD|Method or data member not found
-2146827826|0x800A01CE|The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
-2146827825|0x800A01CF|Class not registered on local machine
-2146827807|0x800A01E1|Invalid picture
-2146827806|0x800A01E2|Printer error
-2146827553|0x800A02DF|Can't save file to TEMP
-2146827544|0x800A02E8|Search text not found
-2146827542|0x800A02EA|Replacements too long
-536215549|0xE00A0003|Return without GoSub
-536215547|0xE00A0005|Invalid procedure call or argument
-536215545|0xE00A0007|Out of memory
-536215543|0xE00A0009|Subscript out of range
-536215542|0xE00A000A|This array is fixed or temporarily locked
-536215541|0xE00A000B|Division by zero
-536215539|0xE00A000D|Type mismatch
-536215538|0xE00A000E|Out of string space
-536215536|0xE00A0010|Expression too complex
-536215535|0xE00A0011|Can't perform requested operation
-536215534|0xE00A0012|User interrupt occurred
-536215532|0xE00A0014|Resume without error
-536215524|0xE00A001C|Out of stack space
-536215517|0xE00A0023|Sub or Function not defined
-536215505|0xE00A002F|Too many DLL application clients
-536215504|0xE00A0030|Error in loading DLL
-536215503|0xE00A0031|Bad DLL calling convention
-536215501|0xE00A0033|Internal error
-536215500|0xE00A0034|Bad file name or number
-536215499|0xE00A0035|File not found
-536215498|0xE00A0036|Bad file mode
-536215497|0xE00A0037|File already open
-536215495|0xE00A0039|Device I/O error
-536215494|0xE00A003A|File already exists
-536215493|0xE00A003B|Bad record length
-536215491|0xE00A003D|Disk full
-536215490|0xE00A003E|Input past end of file
-536215489|0xE00A003F|Bad record number
-536215485|0xE00A0043|Too many files
-536215484|0xE00A0044|Device unavailable
-536215482|0xE00A0046|Permission denied
-536215481|0xE00A0047|Disk not ready
-536215478|0xE00A004A|Can't rename with different drive
-536215477|0xE00A004B|Path/File access error
-536215476|0xE00A004C|Path not found
-536215461|0xE00A005B|Object variable or With block variable not set
-536215460|0xE00A005C|For loop not initialized
-536215459|0xE00A005D|Invalid pattern string
-536215458|0xE00A005E|Invalid use of Null
-536215456|0xE00A0060|Unable to sink events of object because the object is already firing events to the maximum number of event receivers that it supports
-536215455|0xE00A0061|Can not call friend function on object which is not an instance of defining class
-536215454|0xE00A0062|A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as an argument or as a return value
-536215231|0xE00A0141|Invalid file format
-536215230|0xE00A0142|Can't create necessary temporary file
-536215227|0xE00A0145|Invalid format in resource file
-536215172|0xE00A017C|Invalid property value
-536215171|0xE00A017D|Invalid property array index
-536215170|0xE00A017E|Set not supported at runtime
-536215169|0xE00A017F|Set not supported (read-only property)
-536215167|0xE00A0181|Need property array index
-536215165|0xE00A0183|Set not permitted
-536215159|0xE00A0189|Get not supported at runtime
-536215158|0xE00A018A|Get not supported (write-only property)
-536215130|0xE00A01A6|Property not found
-536215129|0xE00A01A7|Property or method not found
-536215128|0xE00A01A8|Object required
-536215123|0xE00A01AD|ActiveX component can't create object
-536215122|0xE00A01AE|Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface
-536215120|0xE00A01B0|File name or class name not found during Automation operation
-536215114|0xE00A01B6|Object doesn't support this property or method
-536215110|0xE00A01BA|Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost. Press OK for dialog to remove reference.
-536215109|0xE00A01BB|Automation object does not have a default value
-536215107|0xE00A01BD|Object doesn't support this action
-536215106|0xE00A01BE|Object doesn't support named arguments
-536215105|0xE00A01BF|Object doesn't support current locale setting
-536215104|0xE00A01C0|Named argument not found
-536215103|0xE00A01C1|Argument not optional
-536215102|0xE00A01C2|Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
-536215101|0xE00A01C3|Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object
-536215100|0xE00A01C4|Invalid ordinal
-536215099|0xE00A01C5|Specified DLL function not found
-536215098|0xE00A01C6|Code resource not found
-536215097|0xE00A01C7|Code resource lock error
-536215095|0xE00A01C9|This key is already associated with an element of this collection
-536215094|0xE00A01CA|Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
-536215093|0xE00A01CB|Object or class does not support the set of events
-536215092|0xE00A01CC|Invalid clipboard format
-536215091|0xE00A01CD|Method or data member not found
-536215090|0xE00A01CE|The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
-536215089|0xE00A01CF|Class not registered on local machine
-536215071|0xE00A01E1|Invalid picture
-536215070|0xE00A01E2|Printer error
-536214817|0xE00A02DF|Can't save file to TEMP
-536214808|0xE00A02E8|Search text not found
-536214806|0xE00A02EA|Replacements too long
-1073086461|0xC00A0003|Return without GoSub
-1073086459|0xC00A0005|Invalid procedure call or argument
-1073086457|0xC00A0007|Out of memory
-1073086455|0xC00A0009|Subscript out of range
-1073086454|0xC00A000A|This array is fixed or temporarily locked
-1073086453|0xC00A000B|Division by zero
-1073086451|0xC00A000D|Type mismatch
-1073086450|0xC00A000E|Out of string space
-1073086448|0xC00A0010|Expression too complex
-1073086447|0xC00A0011|Can't perform requested operation
-1073086446|0xC00A0012|User interrupt occurred
-1073086444|0xC00A0014|Resume without error
-1073086436|0xC00A001C|Out of stack space
-1073086429|0xC00A0023|Sub or Function not defined
-1073086417|0xC00A002F|Too many DLL application clients
-1073086416|0xC00A0030|Error in loading DLL
-1073086415|0xC00A0031|Bad DLL calling convention
-1073086413|0xC00A0033|Internal error
-1073086412|0xC00A0034|Bad file name or number
-1073086411|0xC00A0035|File not found
-1073086410|0xC00A0036|Bad file mode
-1073086409|0xC00A0037|File already open
-1073086407|0xC00A0039|Device I/O error
-1073086406|0xC00A003A|File already exists
-1073086405|0xC00A003B|Bad record length
-1073086403|0xC00A003D|Disk full
-1073086402|0xC00A003E|Input past end of file
-1073086401|0xC00A003F|Bad record number
-1073086397|0xC00A0043|Too many files
-1073086396|0xC00A0044|Device unavailable
-1073086394|0xC00A0046|Permission denied
-1073086393|0xC00A0047|Disk not ready
-1073086390|0xC00A004A|Can't rename with different drive
-1073086389|0xC00A004B|Path/File access error
-1073086388|0xC00A004C|Path not found
-1073086373|0xC00A005B|Object variable or With block variable not set
-1073086372|0xC00A005C|For loop not initialized
-1073086371|0xC00A005D|Invalid pattern string
-1073086370|0xC00A005E|Invalid use of Null
-1073086368|0xC00A0060|Unable to sink events of object because the object is already firing events to the maximum number of event receivers that it supports
-1073086367|0xC00A0061|Can not call friend function on object which is not an instance of defining class
-1073086366|0xC00A0062|A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as an argument or as a return value
-1073086143|0xC00A0141|Invalid file format
-1073086142|0xC00A0142|Can't create necessary temporary file
-1073086139|0xC00A0145|Invalid format in resource file
-1073086084|0xC00A017C|Invalid property value
-1073086083|0xC00A017D|Invalid property array index
-1073086082|0xC00A017E|Set not supported at runtime
-1073086081|0xC00A017F|Set not supported (read-only property)
-1073086079|0xC00A0181|Need property array index
-1073086077|0xC00A0183|Set not permitted
-1073086071|0xC00A0189|Get not supported at runtime
-1073086070|0xC00A018A|Get not supported (write-only property)
-1073086042|0xC00A01A6|Property not found
-1073086041|0xC00A01A7|Property or method not found
-1073086040|0xC00A01A8|Object required
-1073086035|0xC00A01AD|ActiveX component can't create object
-1073086034|0xC00A01AE|Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface
-1073086032|0xC00A01B0|File name or class name not found during Automation operation
-1073086026|0xC00A01B6|Object doesn't support this property or method
-1073086022|0xC00A01BA|Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost. Press OK for dialog to remove reference.
-1073086021|0xC00A01BB|Automation object does not have a default value
-1073086019|0xC00A01BD|Object doesn't support this action
-1073086018|0xC00A01BE|Object doesn't support named arguments
-1073086017|0xC00A01BF|Object doesn't support current locale setting
-1073086016|0xC00A01C0|Named argument not found
-1073086015|0xC00A01C1|Argument not optional
-1073086014|0xC00A01C2|Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
-1073086013|0xC00A01C3|Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object
-1073086012|0xC00A01C4|Invalid ordinal
-1073086011|0xC00A01C5|Specified DLL function not found
-1073086010|0xC00A01C6|Code resource not found
-1073086009|0xC00A01C7|Code resource lock error
-1073086007|0xC00A01C9|This key is already associated with an element of this collection
-1073086006|0xC00A01CA|Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
-1073086005|0xC00A01CB|Object or class does not support the set of events
-1073086004|0xC00A01CC|Invalid clipboard format
-1073086003|0xC00A01CD|Method or data member not found
-1073086002|0xC00A01CE|The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
-1073086001|0xC00A01CF|Class not registered on local machine
-1073085983|0xC00A01E1|Invalid picture
-1073085982|0xC00A01E2|Printer error
-1073085729|0xC00A02DF|Can't save file to TEMP
-1073085720|0xC00A02E8|Search text not found
-1073085718|0xC00A02EA|Replacements too long
-1609957373|0xA00A0003|Return without GoSub
-1609957371|0xA00A0005|Invalid procedure call or argument
-1609957369|0xA00A0007|Out of memory
-1609957367|0xA00A0009|Subscript out of range
-1609957366|0xA00A000A|This array is fixed or temporarily locked
-1609957365|0xA00A000B|Division by zero
-1609957363|0xA00A000D|Type mismatch
-1609957362|0xA00A000E|Out of string space
-1609957360|0xA00A0010|Expression too complex
-1609957359|0xA00A0011|Can't perform requested operation
-1609957358|0xA00A0012|User interrupt occurred
-1609957356|0xA00A0014|Resume without error
-1609957348|0xA00A001C|Out of stack space
-1609957341|0xA00A0023|Sub or Function not defined
-1609957329|0xA00A002F|Too many DLL application clients
-1609957328|0xA00A0030|Error in loading DLL
-1609957327|0xA00A0031|Bad DLL calling convention
-1609957325|0xA00A0033|Internal error
-1609957324|0xA00A0034|Bad file name or number
-1609957323|0xA00A0035|File not found
-1609957322|0xA00A0036|Bad file mode
-1609957321|0xA00A0037|File already open
-1609957319|0xA00A0039|Device I/O error
-1609957318|0xA00A003A|File already exists
-1609957317|0xA00A003B|Bad record length
-1609957315|0xA00A003D|Disk full
-1609957314|0xA00A003E|Input past end of file
-1609957313|0xA00A003F|Bad record number
-1609957309|0xA00A0043|Too many files
-1609957308|0xA00A0044|Device unavailable
-1609957306|0xA00A0046|Permission denied
-1609957305|0xA00A0047|Disk not ready
-1609957302|0xA00A004A|Can't rename with different drive
-1609957301|0xA00A004B|Path/File access error
-1609957300|0xA00A004C|Path not found
-1609957285|0xA00A005B|Object variable or With block variable not set
-1609957284|0xA00A005C|For loop not initialized
-1609957283|0xA00A005D|Invalid pattern string
-1609957282|0xA00A005E|Invalid use of Null
-1609957280|0xA00A0060|Unable to sink events of object because the object is already firing events to the maximum number of event receivers that it supports
-1609957279|0xA00A0061|Can not call friend function on object which is not an instance of defining class
-1609957278|0xA00A0062|A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as an argument or as a return value
-1609957055|0xA00A0141|Invalid file format
-1609957054|0xA00A0142|Can't create necessary temporary file
-1609957051|0xA00A0145|Invalid format in resource file
-1609956996|0xA00A017C|Invalid property value
-1609956995|0xA00A017D|Invalid property array index
-1609956994|0xA00A017E|Set not supported at runtime
-1609956993|0xA00A017F|Set not supported (read-only property)
-1609956991|0xA00A0181|Need property array index
-1609956989|0xA00A0183|Set not permitted
-1609956983|0xA00A0189|Get not supported at runtime
-1609956982|0xA00A018A|Get not supported (write-only property)
-1609956954|0xA00A01A6|Property not found
-1609956953|0xA00A01A7|Property or method not found
-1609956952|0xA00A01A8|Object required
-1609956947|0xA00A01AD|ActiveX component can't create object
-1609956946|0xA00A01AE|Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface
-1609956944|0xA00A01B0|File name or class name not found during Automation operation
-1609956938|0xA00A01B6|Object doesn't support this property or method
-1609956934|0xA00A01BA|Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost. Press OK for dialog to remove reference.
-1609956933|0xA00A01BB|Automation object does not have a default value
-1609956931|0xA00A01BD|Object doesn't support this action
-1609956930|0xA00A01BE|Object doesn't support named arguments
-1609956929|0xA00A01BF|Object doesn't support current locale setting
-1609956928|0xA00A01C0|Named argument not found
-1609956927|0xA00A01C1|Argument not optional
-1609956926|0xA00A01C2|Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
-1609956925|0xA00A01C3|Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object
-1609956924|0xA00A01C4|Invalid ordinal
-1609956923|0xA00A01C5|Specified DLL function not found
-1609956922|0xA00A01C6|Code resource not found
-1609956921|0xA00A01C7|Code resource lock error
-1609956919|0xA00A01C9|This key is already associated with an element of this collection
-1609956918|0xA00A01CA|Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
-1609956917|0xA00A01CB|Object or class does not support the set of events
-1609956916|0xA00A01CC|Invalid clipboard format
-1609956915|0xA00A01CD|Method or data member not found
-1609956914|0xA00A01CE|The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
-1609956913|0xA00A01CF|Class not registered on local machine
-1609956895|0xA00A01E1|Invalid picture
-1609956894|0xA00A01E2|Printer error
-1609956641|0xA00A02DF|Can't save file to TEMP
-1609956632|0xA00A02E8|Search text not found
-1609956630|0xA00A02EA|Replacements too long
-2147467263|0x80004001|Object doesn't support this action
-2147467262|0x80004002|Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface
-2147352575|0x80020001|Object doesn't support this property or method
-2147352573|0x80020003|Object doesn't support this property or method
-2147352572|0x80020004|Named argument not found
-2147352571|0x80020005|Type mismatch
-2147352570|0x80020006|Object doesn't support this property or method
-2147352569|0x80020007|Object doesn't support named arguments
-2147352568|0x80020008|Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
-2147352565|0x8002000B|Subscript out of range
-2147352564|0x8002000C|Object doesn't support current locale setting
-2147352563|0x8002000D|This array is fixed or temporarily locked
-2147352562|0x8002000E|Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
-2147352561|0x8002000F|Argument not optional
-2147352559|0x80020011|Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object
-2147352558|0x80020012|Division by zero
-2147319785|0x80028017|Method or data member not found
-2147319761|0x8002802F|Specified DLL function not found
-2147316576|0x80028CA0|Type mismatch
-2147316575|0x80028CA1|Subscript out of range
-2147316574|0x80028CA2|Device I/O error
-2147316573|0x80028CA3|Can't create necessary temporary file
-2147312566|0x80029C4A|Error in loading DLL
-2147287038|0x80030002|File name or class name not found during Automation operation
-2147287037|0x80030003|Path not found
-2147287036|0x80030004|Too many files
-2147287035|0x80030005|Permission denied
-2147287032|0x80030008|Out of memory
-2147287022|0x80030012|Too many files
-2147287021|0x80030013|Permission denied
-2147287008|0x80030020|Path/File access error
-2147287007|0x80030021|Permission denied
-2147286960|0x80030050|File already exists
-2147286928|0x80030070|Disk full
-2147286788|0x800300FC|File not found
-2147286784|0x80030100|Permission denied
-2147286783|0x80030101|Permission denied
-2147286781|0x80030103|Device I/O error
-2147221230|0x80040112|ActiveX component can't create object
-2147221164|0x80040154|ActiveX component can't create object
-2147221021|0x800401E3|ActiveX component can't create object
-2147221018|0x800401E6|File name or class name not found during Automation operation
-2147221014|0x800401EA|File name or class name not found during Automation operation
-2147221005|0x800401F3|ActiveX component can't create object
-2147221003|0x800401F5|ActiveX component can't create object
-2147220994|0x800401FE|ActiveX component can't create object
-2147024891|0x80070005|Permission denied
-2147024882|0x8007000E|Out of memory
-2147024809|0x80070057|Invalid procedure call or argument
-2147023174|0x800706BA|The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
-2146959355|0x80080005|ActiveX component can't create object
-2146828285|0x800A0003|Return without GoSub
-2146828283|0x800A0005|Invalid procedure call or argument
-2146828281|0x800A0007|Out of memory
-2146828279|0x800A0009|Subscript out of range
-2146828278|0x800A000A|This array is fixed or temporarily locked
-2146828277|0x800A000B|Division by zero
-2146828275|0x800A000D|Type mismatch
-2146828274|0x800A000E|Out of string space
-2146828272|0x800A0010|Expression too complex
-2146828271|0x800A0011|Can't perform requested operation
-2146828270|0x800A0012|User interrupt occurred
-2146828268|0x800A0014|Resume without error
-2146828260|0x800A001C|Out of stack space
-2146828253|0x800A0023|Sub or Function not defined
-2146828241|0x800A002F|Too many DLL application clients
-2146828240|0x800A0030|Error in loading DLL
-2146828239|0x800A0031|Bad DLL calling convention
-2146828237|0x800A0033|Internal error
-2146828236|0x800A0034|Bad file name or number
-2146828235|0x800A0035|File not found
-2146828234|0x800A0036|Bad file mode
-2146828233|0x800A0037|File already open
-2146828231|0x800A0039|Device I/O error
-2146828230|0x800A003A|File already exists
-2146828229|0x800A003B|Bad record length
-2146828227|0x800A003D|Disk full
-2146828226|0x800A003E|Input past end of file
-2146828225|0x800A003F|Bad record number
-2146828221|0x800A0043|Too many files
-2146828220|0x800A0044|Device unavailable
-2146828218|0x800A0046|Permission denied
-2146828217|0x800A0047|Disk not ready
-2146828214|0x800A004A|Can't rename with different drive
-2146828213|0x800A004B|Path/File access error
-2146828212|0x800A004C|Path not found
-2146828197|0x800A005B|Object variable or With block variable not set
-2146828196|0x800A005C|For loop not initialized
-2146828195|0x800A005D|Invalid pattern string
-2146828194|0x800A005E|Invalid use of Null
-2146828192|0x800A0060|Unable to sink events of object because the object is already firing events to the maximum number of event receivers that it supports
-2146828191|0x800A0061|Can not call friend function on object which is not an instance of defining class
-2146828190|0x800A0062|A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as an argument or as a return value
-2146827967|0x800A0141|Invalid file format
-2146827966|0x800A0142|Can't create necessary temporary file
-2146827963|0x800A0145|Invalid format in resource file
-2146827908|0x800A017C|Invalid property value
-2146827907|0x800A017D|Invalid property array index
-2146827906|0x800A017E|Set not supported at runtime
-2146827905|0x800A017F|Set not supported (read-only property)
-2146827903|0x800A0181|Need property array index
-2146827901|0x800A0183|Set not permitted
-2146827895|0x800A0189|Get not supported at runtime
-2146827894|0x800A018A|Get not supported (write-only property)
-2146827866|0x800A01A6|Property not found
-2146827865|0x800A01A7|Property or method not found
-2146827864|0x800A01A8|Object required
-2146827859|0x800A01AD|ActiveX component can't create object
-2146827858|0x800A01AE|Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface
-2146827856|0x800A01B0|File name or class name not found during Automation operation
-2146827850|0x800A01B6|Object doesn't support this property or method
-2146827846|0x800A01BA|Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost. Press OK for dialog to remove reference.
-2146827845|0x800A01BB|Automation object does not have a default value
-2146827843|0x800A01BD|Object doesn't support this action
-2146827842|0x800A01BE|Object doesn't support named arguments
-2146827841|0x800A01BF|Object doesn't support current locale setting
-2146827840|0x800A01C0|Named argument not found
-2146827839|0x800A01C1|Argument not optional
-2146827838|0x800A01C2|Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
-2146827837|0x800A01C3|Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object
-2146827836|0x800A01C4|Invalid ordinal
-2146827835|0x800A01C5|Specified DLL function not found
-2146827834|0x800A01C6|Code resource not found
-2146827833|0x800A01C7|Code resource lock error
-2146827831|0x800A01C9|This key is already associated with an element of this collection
-2146827830|0x800A01CA|Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
-2146827829|0x800A01CB|Object or class does not support the set of events
-2146827828|0x800A01CC|Invalid clipboard format
-2146827827|0x800A01CD|Method or data member not found
-2146827826|0x800A01CE|The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
-2146827825|0x800A01CF|Class not registered on local machine
-2146827807|0x800A01E1|Invalid picture
-2146827806|0x800A01E2|Printer error
-2146827553|0x800A02DF|Can't save file to TEMP
-2146827544|0x800A02E8|Search text not found
-2146827542|0x800A02EA|Replacements too long
Последнее редактирование модератором: