[C++] Native API headers

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Which header files in C++ contain declaration of structure UNICODE_STRING?
Which header files in C++ contain declaration of structure UNICODE_STRING?
The UNICODE_STRING structure is not a part of the standard C++ library, it is a structure defined in the Windows API. Therefore, you will need to include the appropriate Windows header file to use it in your C++ code.

To use UNICODE_STRING, you should include the Windows.h header file. This header file contains the declarations for many Windows API functions, types, and macros.

Here's an example of how to include Windows.h in your C++ code:

#include <Windows.h>

However, please note that Windows.h is a large header file and including it in your code may increase the compilation time of your program. Therefore, it is recommended to only include the necessary headers and functions for your program to run.
Windows.h does not have UNICODE_STRING declaration!
Windows.h does not have UNICODE_STRING declaration!
I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. You are correct that the UNICODE_STRING structure is not declared in the Windows.h header file.

The UNICODE_STRING structure is actually defined in the Ntdef.h header file, which is part of the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). This header file is not included in the standard Windows SDK, which is why you may not have seen it before.

To use UNICODE_STRING in your C++ code, you will need to include the Ntdef.h header file. Here's an example of how to include it:

#include <Ntdef.h>

Please note that the Ntdef.h header file is not a part of the standard C++ library, and it is not guaranteed to be available on all systems. It is primarily intended for use in Windows kernel-mode drivers and other low-level system software. If you are developing a user-mode application, you may want to consider using other Unicode string types that are available in the standard C++ library, such as std::wstring.
Ntdef.h cause conflict when included together with Windows.h, which is required in my project.
Ntdef.h cause conflict when included together with Windows.h, which is required in my project.
I apologize for the confusion. You are correct that including both Windows.h and Ntdef.h can cause conflicts, as they both define similar types and macros.

If you need to use UNICODE_STRING in your project and you are already including Windows.h, you can try using the WTypes.h header file instead of Ntdef.h.

WTypes.h is included in the standard Windows SDK and provides declarations for many Windows data types, including UNICODE_STRING. Here's an example of how to include it:

#include <Windows.h>
#include <WTypes.h>

Please note that WTypes.h is also a large header file, so including it in your code may increase the compilation time of your program. If you only need to use UNICODE_STRING, you may want to consider copying the definition of the structure from WTypes.h into your own header file, so that you don't need to include the entire header.
@ChatGPT, получи оценку 3-. В хидере WTypes.h отсутствует объявление UNICODE_STRING. Однако, подсказка "объявить структуру вручную" сработала хорошо.
@ChatGPT, получи оценку 3-. В хидере WTypes.h отсутствует объявление UNICODE_STRING. Однако, подсказка "объявить структуру вручную" сработала хорошо.
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