Malwarebytes AdwCleaner

Malwarebytes AdwCleaner 6.047

//////// v4.104 - 05/12/14 ////////

[Firefox] - Cyberfox added to handled browsers
[Bug] - Fixed error line 2057
[Bug] - Fixed error in folders/files research

//////// v4.103 - 01/12/14 ////////

[Database] - Fixed a bug which caused AdwCleaner to skip database download on XP machines
[Database] - Added local database v01-12-2014.1
[Generic.Sambreel] - Fixed a bug in drivers file detection ( extra "\" )
[Tasks] - Generic detection updated

//////// v4.102 - 23/11/14 ////////

[Chrome] - Added AppDataCommonDir checking for Chrome extensions
[Database] - Added local database v23-11-2014.3
[Registry] - Added DNS checking
[GUI] - Modified progress display informations
[Changelog] - New display
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Реакции: E100
//////// v4.101 - 09/11/14 ////////

- Bug fixed ( Firefox files/folders detection )
- Bug fixed ( AdwCleaner's file deletion )
- Bug fixed ( Uninstall )
- Fixed display bug in logfile
- Updated logfile header
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Реакции: machito
//////// v4.100 - 08/11/14 ////////

- Fixed bug in EIFL research module
- Added generic detection for SearchScopes keys
- New method to manage Chrome preferences
- New method to manage Firefox preferences
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Реакции: machito
//////// v4.002 - 27/10/14 ////////

- Updated generic detections
- Fixed bugs
Новое в версии 4.001

- Добавлены ключи реестра для поиска:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\DOMStorage
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extension Compatibility

- Обновлено общее обнаружение
- Добавлено общее обнаружение для следов
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Реакции: machito и akok
//////// v4.000 - 12/10/14 ////////

- Updated to AutoIT v3.3.0.12
- New method to manage database
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Реакции: machito и E100
- Database update
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Реакции: machito
//////// v3.309 - 02/09/14 ////////

- Срочное обновление базы
- Исправлены ложные срабатывания
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Реакции: machito
//////// v3.308 - 20/08/14 ////////

- Database update
- Generic.Multiplug detection updated
- False positive and bug fixed

//////// v3.307 - 17/08/14 ////////

- Database update
- ProductID detection improved
- Bug fixed ( Generic.Crossrider )

//////// v3.306 - 15/08/14 ////////

- Database update
- Added StartMenuInternet keys for Opera browser
- DefaultScope detection updated
- Added processes to whitelist
- Generic.Sambreel detection updated
- Generic.Crossrider detection updated
- Generic.Multiplug detection updated
- Generic.AddLyrics detection updated
- Generic.AdPeak detection updated
- Database update
- Fixed Crossrider scheduled task detection
- Generic.AdPeak detection updated
- Generic.DownloadProtect detection updated
- Generic.Skintrim detection updated
- Generic.Tuto4PC detection updated
- Generic.Multiplug detection updated
- Deleted debug message
- Updated Firefox extensions detection
- Updated Chrome extensions detection
- Language file updated
- Added Generic.AddLyrics detection
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Реакции: Кирилл
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