- Сообщения
- 394
- Реакции
- 59
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
# Function to create a button
function Create-Button {
param (
$button = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$button.Text = $text
$button.Dock = "Top"
return $button
# Function to create a message box
function Show-MessageBox {
param (
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($message, $title)
# Function to generate batch code for renaming files/folders
function Generate-RenameBatchCode {
param (
$batchCode = ""
foreach ($filePath in $filePaths) {
$filePath = $filePath.Trim()
if ($filePath -ne "") {
$fileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($filePath)
$fileDirectory = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($filePath)
$newFileName = "$fileName.bak"
$newFilePath = Join-Path -Path $fileDirectory -ChildPath $newFileName
# Check if it's a directory or a file
if (Test-Path $filePath -PathType Container) {
# For folders
$batchCode += "takeown /f `"$filePath`"`n"
$batchCode += "icacls `"$filePath`" /grant Everyone:F`n"
$batchCode += "rename `"$filePath`" `"$newFileName`"`n"
} else {
# For files
$processName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($fileName)
$batchCode += "takeown /f `"$filePath`"`n"
$batchCode += "icacls `"$filePath`" /grant Everyone:F`n"
$batchCode += "taskkill /F /IM `"$processName.exe`"`n"
$batchCode += "rename `"$filePath`" `"$newFileName`"`n"
return $batchCode
# Function to generate batch code for deleting files/folders
function Generate-DeleteBatchCode {
param (
$batchCode = ""
foreach ($filePath in $filePaths) {
$filePath = $filePath.Trim()
if ($filePath -ne "") {
if (Test-Path $filePath -PathType Container) {
$batchCode += "takeown /f `"$filePath`"`n"
$batchCode += "icacls `"$filePath`" /grant Everyone:F`n"
$batchCode += "rmdir /s /q `"$filePath`"`n"
} else {
$fileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($filePath)
$processName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($fileName)
$batchCode += "takeown /f `"$filePath`"`n"
$batchCode += "icacls `"$filePath`" /grant Everyone:F`n"
$batchCode += "taskkill /F /IM `"$processName.exe`"`n"
$batchCode += "del /f /q `"$filePath`"`n"
return $batchCode
# Create the main form
$form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$form.Text = "Batch Code Assist"
$form.Width = 800
$form.Height = 600
$form.AllowDrop = $true
# Create the text box for pasting input
$textBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$textBox.Multiline = $true
$textBox.Dock = "Top"
$textBox.Height = 400
$textBox.ScrollBars = "Both"
$textBox.MaxLength = 2147483647
# Create the copy and paste button
$copyPasteButton = Create-Button "Copy and Paste Input" {
try {
$textBox.Text = [System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::GetText()
} catch {
$errorMessage = $_.ToString()
Show-MessageBox "Failed to get text from clipboard: $errorMessage" "Error"
# Create the rename button
$renameButton = Create-Button "Rename File" {
$filePaths = $textBox.Text.Split([Environment]::NewLine)
$batchCode = Generate-RenameBatchCode -filePaths $filePaths
if ($batchCode -ne "") {
$desktopPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")
$renameBatchPath = Join-Path -Path $desktopPath -ChildPath "rename.bat"
$batchCode | Out-File -FilePath $renameBatchPath -Encoding ASCII
Show-MessageBox "Rename batch file saved to desktop as rename.bat" "Success"
# Create the delete button
$deleteButton = Create-Button "Delete File/Folder" {
$filePaths = $textBox.Text.Split([Environment]::NewLine)
$batchCode = Generate-DeleteBatchCode -filePaths $filePaths
if ($batchCode -ne "") {
$desktopPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")
$deleteBatchPath = Join-Path -Path $desktopPath -ChildPath "delete.bat"
$batchCode | Out-File -FilePath $deleteBatchPath -Encoding ASCII
Show-MessageBox "Delete batch file saved to desktop as delete.bat" "Success"
# Event handler for drag enter
if ($_.Data.GetDataPresent([Windows.Forms.DataFormats]::FileDrop)) {
$_.Effect = [Windows.Forms.DragDropEffects]::Copy
# Event handler for drag drop
$files = $_.Data.GetData([Windows.Forms.DataFormats]::FileDrop)
foreach ($file in $files) {
if ($file -match '\.(txt|log)$') {
$textBox.Text += Get-Content -Path $file -Raw
$textBox.Text += "`n" # Add a new line for separation
} else {
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Only .txt and .log files are supported.", "Error")
# Show the form
Пример вывода для: C:\Windows\System32\smartscreen.exe
takeown /f "C:\Windows\System32\smartscreen.exe"
icacls "C:\Windows\System32\smartscreen.exe" /grant Everyone:F
taskkill /F /IM "smartscreen.exe"
del /f /q "C:\Windows\System32\smartscreen.exe"
takeown /f "C:\Windows\System32\smartscreen.exe"
icacls "C:\Windows\System32\smartscreen.exe" /grant Everyone:F
taskkill /F /IM "smartscreen.exe"
rename "C:\Windows\System32\smartscreen.exe" "smartscreen.exe.bak"